Tuesday, 3 October 2023

 Clear clogged 50mm UPVC Sink discharge pipe.

The most easily clogged pipes are those directly connected to a kitchen sink, especially in the sink trap. FOGG (fat, oil, grease, and grit) is contained by water and everything may appear to flow easily down the sink, especially when you use warm water to flush it. Inside the pipe, warm water loses temperature and becomes cold. The water itself will flow, but the FOGG become solidified when exposed to cold air.

FOGG can either sink to the bottom of the pipe. But more likely, float on top of water, and slowly coat the top of the pipe. As you flush more FOGG into the sink, they accumulate to make an even bigger grease accumulation, then eventually a clog. Over time, the grease can completely block water passage, causing overflows without warning. In many cases FOGG can also cause a trap stoppage in the belly of the trap.

***To prevent it from come back again, flush it every 3 days with a bucket of water***